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Cloud Native Austria

Let's dive into the story of Cloud Native Austria, a journey marked by Kubernetes, teamwork, and coding. Imagine a place surrounded by stunning mountains and rich culture, now also known for its cloud-native tech scene.

September 2023: The Kubernetes Kickoff

In September 2023, the Kubernetes enthusiasts of Austria gathered for the first-ever Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) in the country. It was pretty cool, kind of like a mini-convention for folks who geek out over container orchestration. This event sparked a realization: to keep this going, they needed a formal setup.

Chapters Unite: The Graz, Vienna, and Salzburg Connection

Around this time, the local chapters from Graz, Vienna, and Salzburg started chatting. They figured, "Why not join forces under one banner?" So, they decided to band together as Cloud Native Austria. Imagine a bunch of tech enthusiasts deciding to form a supergroup, minus the capes and secret handshakes.

26th October 2023: Making It Official

On the 26th of October, 2023, Cloud Native Austria was officially founded as an association. Thomas Schütz, Erik Auer, and Daniel Drack were the brave souls who signed up as the founding members. Think of them as the original trilogy, coming together to make things official and give the group a solid foundation.

5th January 2024: Logo Reveal

Fast forward to the 5th of January, 2024, and Cloud Native Austria got itself a logo. It's like when a band finally decides on a logo for their merch. This logo became the visual identifier for the group, something to rally around and put on stickers, websites, and maybe even T-shirts.

11th January 2024: Planning for the Sequel

By the 11th of January, 2024, they started planning for KCD Austria 2024. Picture a group of friends huddled around a table, laptops open, buzzing with ideas on how to make the next event even better than the first. It's a bit like planning a big party, but with more discussions about Kubernetes and less about what snacks to serve.

A Chill Recap of Progress

So, that's the story of Cloud Native Austria's evolution so far. From a successful event sparking the idea for something more permanent, through the unity of chapters across cities, to the establishment of an official association complete with a logo and future plans. It's been a journey of tech enthusiasts coming together, figuring things out, and planning cool stuff for the cloud-native community in Austria.

Here's to more Kubernetes, more collaboration, and more cloud-native adventures in Austria. Keep it cloud, keep it native!