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Becoming a member of Cloud Native Austria

Cloud Native Austria is all about building and fostering communities.

Our goal is to improve the cloud native ecosystem in Austria, by building stronger and more active communities. By becoming a member of Cloud Native Austria, you take an active step towards this goal. Your membership and contribution will not only help the Austrian community, but will help your local community even more. Since we regard a membership as a token of commitment to strengthening your local community, we will double down on that. Each member of your local community, that is becoming a member of Cloud Native Austria, will increase the benefits you'll get out of the membership as a community.

A modest annual membership fee of €50 per person unlocks several exciting benefits:

  • Each member receives a discounted ticket for KCD Austria.
  • Members are warmly invited to the annual general meeting, a great chance to have a say in the community’s direction.
  • Every Cloud Native Austria member in a community is granted €100 annually to support a community event, fostering growth and engagement.
  • For communities with at least three Cloud Native Austria members:
    • A Meetup Pro account is provided to enhance community organization and outreach.
    • A unique Cloud Native community-specific email address is issued, adding a professional touch.
    • The community gains visibility by being listed on the Cloud Native Austria website, boosting its profile.